Revisiting the pulsational characteristics of the exoplanet host star β Pictoris


Context. Exoplanet properties crucially depend on the parameters of their host stars: more accurate stellar parameters yield more accurate exoplanet characteristics. When the exoplanet host star shows pulsations, asteroseismology can be used for an improved description of the stellar parameters. Aims. We aim to revisit the pulsational properties of β Pic and identify its pulsation modes from normalized amplitudes in five different passbands. We also investigate the potential presence of a magnetic field. Methods. We conducted a frequency analysis using three seasons of BRITE-Constellation observations in the two BRITE filters, the about 620-day-long bRing light curve, and the nearly 8-year-long SMEI photometric time series. We calculated normalized amplitudes using all passbands and including previously published values obtained from ASTEP observations. We investigated the magnetic properties of β Pic using spectropolarimetric observations conducted with the HARPSpol instrument. Using 2D rotating models, we fit the normalized amplitudes and frequencies through Monte Carlo Markov chains. Results. We identify 15 pulsation frequencies in the range from 34 to 55 d−1, where two, F13 at 53.6917 d−1 and F11 at 50.4921 d−1, display clear amplitude variability. We use the normalized amplitudes in up to five passbands to identify the modes as three ℓ = 1, six ℓ = 2, and six ℓ = 3 modes. β Pic is shown to be non-magnetic with an upper limit of the possible undetected dipolar field of 300 Gauss. Conclusions. Multiple fits to the frequencies and normalized amplitudes are obtained, including one with a near equator-on inclination for β Pic, which corresponds to our expectations based on the orbital inclination of β Pic b and the orientation of the circumstellar disk. This solution leads to a rotation rate of 27% of the Keplerian breakup velocity, a radius of 1.497 ± 0.025 R⊙, and a mass of 1.797 ± 0.035 M⊙. The ∼2% errors in radius and mass do not account for uncertainties in the models and a potentially erroneous mode-identification.D.R.R. acknowledges the support of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) to the ESRR project under grant ANR16-CE31-0007 as well as financial support from the Programme National de Physique Stellaire (PNPS) of the CNRS/INSU co-funded by the CEA and the CNES. A.Pi. acknowledges support from the NCN grant 2016/21/B/ST9/01126. APo was responsible for image processing and automation of photometric routines for the data registered by the BRITE nano-satellite constellation, and was supported by the statutory activities grant BK/200/RAU1/2018 t.3. GH thanks the Polish National Center for Science (NCN) for support through grant 2015/18/A/ST9/00578. The research of S.M.R. and A.F.J.M. has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. GAW acknowledges Discovery Grant support from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. MI was the recipient of an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT130100235) funded by the Australian Government. SNM is a U.S. Department of Defense SMART scholar sponsored by the U.S. Navy through SSC-LANT. Part of this research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. E.E.M. and S.N.M. acknowledge support from the NASA NExSS program. The bRing observatory at Siding Springs, Australia was supported by a University of Rochester University Research Award

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