Gambaran Sitologik Lesi Periapeks pada Gigi dengan Pulpa Nekrosis


The necrotic pulp causes several kinds of infammatory lesion in the apical tissue. The type of lesions is difficult to be detected by clinical exmaination only without radiographically and microscopically approached. The macroscopic condition of the periapical inflammatory products may be classified as dry condition, exuately and purulently. In the cytological features, the product consists of PMN, Macrophage cells, Eosinophil cells, Lymphocyte, Plasma cells and Fibrobast cells. The student t test analysis (P>0.05) of the inflammaotry cells between Necrosis I and Necrosis II was statistically significant. The PMN cell showed dominantly of both Necrosis and the large number of cells was marked due to its severity. The fibroblast cell was found more frequently on Necrosis II than Necrosis I. The finding confirms that the cytological features of Necrosis I and Necrosis II were statistically significant

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