Performance Analysis of Heat Exchangers and Integrated Supercritical CO<inf>2</inf> Brayton Cycle for Varying Heat Carrier, Cooling and Working Fluid Flow Rates


Data availability statement: All data used are in the paper but if any additional information is required it can be obtained by contacting the corresponding author.Copyright © 2022 The Author(s).. Supercritical CO2 power systems offer the potential of reduced system footprint and improved thermal efficiency, through the development and adoption of compact heat exchangers. Among these heat exchangers, the microtube, printed circuit, and plate heat exchangers are emerging as the most promising technologies for heat addition to the cycle, heat recuperation and heat rejection, respectively. To investigate the performance of supercritical CO2 recuperated Brayton cycle for heat to power conversion, simulation models of the heater, recuperator and cooler were developed using the distributed modeling approach and the ε-NTU method and then integrated with turbomachinery models to form the cycle model. The influences of flow rates of the heat carrier, cooling and working fluids on the heat exchanger performance and the integrated system were investigated. For the studied power system and under the off-design operating conditions, the net thermal efficiency of the cycle varies between 14.1% and 16.8%. Results show that increasing in the working fluid flow rate remains the net power output of the cycle but decreases the net cycle thermal efficiency, while increasing in the heat carrier fluid increases both, and the increase of cooling fluid increases the net power output but maintains the net thermal efficiency.(i) The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under research grants EP/P004636/1 – OPTEMIN, EP/V001795/1 – SCOTWOHR; (ii) the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 680599 – I-ThERM and Grant Agreement No. 101022831 – CO2OLHEAT

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