The OPD Pathway Programme has created new services and treatment options for a large population of offenders. The qualitative data from this study suggests the OPD programme is having positive effects on both offenders and staff. This, and the result of the economic evaluation suggest that the use of case formulation may be a particular strength. Although a beneficial effect on proven offending behaviour was not observed statistically, this may not be indicative of Programme failure and it is too soon to definitively conclude whether the OPD Pathway is achieving its intended outcomes. It is important to note that, given the limitations to the quantitative evaluation, findings should be regarded as indicative and treated with caution. Furthermore, fully demonstrating the value of the OPD Pathway Programme will require data harmonisation across services and much longer periods of follow-up. Building trust, instilling hope, case formulation and workforce development will be key to the future success of the Pathway. Establishing trust and working in collaboration was seen as a major part of the therapeutic work by offenders and staff alike. This is borne out by other research about the Pathway and it seems likely that trust is a key mechanism underpinning therapeutic gains that can be made by offenders when they are being managed by Pathway services.HMPPS and NHS England