Equivalent black carbon concentration in 10 minutes time resolution, measured in the Swiss container during MOSAiC 2019/2020


This dataset contains equivalent black carbon (eBC) concentrations, averaged to 10 min time resolution, measured during the year-long MOSAiC expedition from October 2019 to September 2020. The measurements were performed in the Swiss container on the D-deck of Research Vessel Polarstern, using a commercial aethalometer (model AE33, Magee Scientific, Berkeley, USA). The instrument was located behind an automated valve, which switched hourly between a total and an interstitial air inlet, with upper cutoff sizes of 40 and 1 µm respectively. The inlet flow, of 2 liters per minute, was verified biweekly. The dual spot technology of the instrument allowed for a real-time compensation of what is known as the loading effect (Drinovec et al., 2015). Optical absorption was measured at 7 different wavelengths simultaneously, with a 1 second time resolution. We used the absorption at 880 nm (channel 6) to derive eBC, using a mass absorption cross-section value of 7.77 m2g-1. The switching valve caused concentration spikes to be observed at the full hours, hence data points within ± 2 minutes of the full hours are removed. The dataset was averaged to 1 minute time resolution (original time resolution is 1 second) to reduce the largest part of the instrument's noise, and outliers of more than 3 times the standard deviation of an hourly moving window were removed from the 1 minute averaged dataset. During some times for which the switching valve mechanism was on, varying patterns of increased mean and standard deviation of the measurements were observed, due to a pressure drop in the inlet lines. We corrected it by taking the arithmetic means of the data points during interstitial inlet measurements and the two adjacent hours of total inlet measurements, subtracting these two values and adding this difference to the data points of the interstitial inlet measurements. Finally, the data were averaged to 10 minutes time resolution. Based on a visual inspection of the entire dataset, we removed periods of strong noise and intense negative spikes. These artifacts may have emerged from the averaging of the initially noisy 1 second time resolution dataset and/or from the dual spot compensation which may lead to the presence of strong negative outliers right after a large positive outlier. Data collected between June 3rd and June 9th were discarded as Polarstern was within Svalbard's 12 nautical miles zone. The aethalometer dataset was further cleaned for disturbing pollution emissions from local research activities (e.g., exhaust by Polarstern's engine and vents, skidoos, on-ice diesel generators) using a preexisting pollution mask developed by Beck et al. (2022a), where a multi-step pollution detection algorithm was applied on the interstitial CPC dataset at 1 minute time resolution (Beck et al., 2022b). This pollution mask was converted to 10 minutes time resolution by setting a condition where, if more than 1 data point is polluted in a 10 minutes moving window, the entire 10 minutes period is defined as polluted. The resulting flag “Flag_pollution” should be equal to 0 to retain un-polluted data points only

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