Dealing with Receiver Misbehavior in Multicast Congestion Control


In multicast congestion control, receivers can misbehave by maliciously causing congestion to steal network bandwidth from well behaved flows. In source driven congestion control protocols (SDCC), receivers misbehave by sending a wrong feedback to the source. In receiver-driven congestion control protocols(RDCC), receivers misbehave by inflating their subscriptions. In this report, we present techniques to deal with these misbehaviours. Firstly, we show that when network tomography tools such as MINC are used in conjunction with SDCC protocols, they can aid in misbehavior detection. But in order to use MINC for misbehaviour detection, MINC itself must be made immune to misbehaviour. we analyze the effect of misbehavior within MINC and propose two techniques to detect and prevent misbehavior in MINC. For RDCC protocols, a misbehaviour prevention mechanism based on in-band distribution of keys was recently proposed for FLID-DL protocol. In this report, we show how we can design keys which can prevent misbehaviour in most RDCC protocols

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