Risk and predictors of out-of-home care placement among children and adolescents with parental mental illness : a population-based cohort study in Sweden (Study IV)


Here, we propose a nationwide population-based study on predictors of out-of-home care placement among children of mentally ill parents, using rich information from Swedish national health and administrative registers. We aim to clarify both individual-level factors (children and parents), such as type and timing of parental mental illness, background factors of parents and socioeconomic conditions of the family, and area-level factors, such as the county of residence that might play a role in determining out-of-home care placement among children with parental mental illness within the Swedish context. More specifically, we aim to answer the following questions: 1. What is the risk of out-of-home care placement among children with parental mental illness? Is the risk varied by age and sex of the child and type of maternal or paternal mental illness? 2. What are the risk factors that confers the highest risk of out-of-home care placement among children with parental mental illness?NoneManuscrip

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