Bounding Generalized Coloring Numbers of Planar Graphs Using Coin Models


We study Koebe orderings of planar graphs: vertex orderings obtained bymodelling the graph as the intersection graph of pairwise internally-disjointdiscs in the plane, and ordering the vertices by non-increasing radii of theassociated discs. We prove that for every dNd\in \mathbb{N}, any such orderinghas dd-admissibility bounded by O(d/lnd)O(d/\ln d) and weak dd-coloring numberbounded by O(d4lnd)O(d^4 \ln d). This in particular shows that the dd-admissibilityof planar graphs is bounded by O(d/lnd)O(d/\ln d), which asymptotically matches aknown lower bound due to Dvo\v{r}\'ak and Siebertz.<br

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