
ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai beberapa respon fisiologis kerbau pacuan yang mendapat lama waktu latihan berbeda di Desa Candikusuma, Kabupaten Jembrana (Bali). Rancangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) pola Slit Plot 3 X 4. Tiga tingkat massa tubuh sebagai petak utama (B1 = 309,44 ± 4,29 kg; B2 = 350,94 ± 6,21 kg; B3 = 393,94 ± 8,07 kg) dan 4 tingkat lama waktu latihan sebagai anak petak (L0 : tidak dilatih; L1 : dilatih selama 5 menit/hari; L2 : dilatih selama 10 menit/hari; L3 : dilatih selama 15 menit/hari). Meningkatnya lama waktu latihan menyebabkan meningkatnya suhu kulit dan suhu rektal masing-masing dari 35,58o sampai 40,41o C dan dari 38,13o sampai 40,73o C, serta meningkatnya denyut nadi dan frekuensi nafas masing-masing dari 32 sampai 82 detak/menit dan dari 22 sampai 46 kali/menit. Terjadi peningkatan kebugaran pada kerbau yang dilatih selama 10 – 15 menit/hari yang ditunjukkan oleh suhu kulit, suhu rektal, denyut jantung, dan frekuensi nafas pada 30 menit pemulihan sesudah uji pacuan. PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE IN RACING BUFFALO SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT LENGTH OF EXERCISE ABSTRACT A research which was aimed at identifying physiological response has been carried out in racing buffalo subjected to different length of exercise in the village of Candikusuma, Jembrana regency (Bali). Randomized Completely Block Design which was arange in 3 X 4 Split Plot was applied in this research. There were three mainplots in which each plot had one group of the animals that categorized on the based of their average liveweight (± SD) i.e. group of B1 (309,44 ± 4,29 kg), B2 (350,94 ± 6,21 kg) and B3 (393,94 ± 8,07 kg), and four levels of exercise length used as subplot. The levels of exercise were the buffalo which were not subjected exercise (LO), those subjected exercise for 5 (L1), 10 (L2) and 15 minutes/day (L3). The increased of length of exercise were done resulted the increased body temperature and rectal temperature each from 35.58o to 40.41oC and from 38.13o to 40.73oC, also pulse increased and breath frequency each from 32 to 82 breats per minute and from 22 to 46 times per minute. The buffalo that had 10 – 15 minutes per day of exercise got fitness that were showed by the skin temperature, rectal temperature, pulse and breath in thirty minutes recovery after race

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