Towards practical permutation routing on meshes


We consider the permutation routing problem on two-dimensional n×nn \times n meshes. To be practical, a routing algorithm is required to ensure very small queue sizes QQ, and very low running time TT, not only asymptotically but particularly also for the practically important nn up to 10001000. With a technique inspired by a scheme of Kaklamanis/Krizanc/Rao, we obtain a near-optimal result: T=2n+O(1)T = 2 \cdot n + {\cal O}(1) with Q=2Q = 2. Although QQ is very attractive now, the lower order terms in TT make this algorithm highly impractical. Therefore we present simple schemes which are asymptotically slower, but have TT around 3n3 \cdot n for {\em all} nn and QQ between 2 and 8

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