'Editora da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arido - EdUFERSA'
Espinheira Santa (Maytenus truncata Reis) it is a plant used for medicinal ends in the hiperacidez treatment, gastric ulcerations, cutaneous disease as, eczems, constipation and cancers. She possesses properties analgesic, antiseptic and healing, being found in the proximities of Rio de Contas in Jequié - BA. Due to the intense use for the population and exploration for the erveiros, the species is disappearing of the area. With that, it is made to study the species in molecular level seeking to subsidize a strategy of protection of the same. Aiming at to evaluate and to adapt a methodology as tool to be used in studies of molecular biology was tested four protocols of extraction of DNA, and the protocol that obtained the best results in the tests of quantification of DNA in agarose gel and photometer spectrum was it of Ferreira & Grattapaglia (1998) with modifications in the act of the maceration and of the centrifugation. DNA was isolated I integrate and in great been presenting in it measured a degree of purity (A260/A280) in photometer spectrum of 1,78 and a concentration of 1846 ng/ml