Assessing the Social Life of Widows and Divorced Women in Pemba Island: A Case of Pemba Eastern Zone in Ole, Chambani, Maziwang’ombe, Uwandani and Kangagani Shehias.


The main objective of the study was to investigate the social life of widows and divorced women in Pemba, specifically; the study focused on five shehias of Chambani, Uwandani, Ole, Kangagani and Maziwang’ombe. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires, semi structured interviews, focus group discussions, non-participatory observation, survey and documentary review. The study involved 172 respondents dominated by 146 women the same as 84.88% and 26 male respondents, the same as 15.12%. Simple random sampling method was used to select most of the respondents; and others were purposively selected. The study involved a cross-sectional, case study research design and the data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques. The study found out that, the majority of widows are heavily burdened around them yet conjugated with children bearing. Widows needed support in health and medication, education, sheltering as well as day to day meals. Also, widows experienced psychological problem of being marginalized and negative perceptions demonstrated by people in the communities they lived in. Further, widows were at risk to sexual harassment, HIV and STI diseases. Findings also revealed that widows in laws are not well attended. Most widows lacked ability to stand and speak for their rights and hence they are oppressed in their homes. Some are mistreated by husbands’ family and when seeking for inheritance, they are ostracized in case they asked about this. Kadhi court contributes little for widows’ rights. Indeed, it depends on how much awareness the widow possesses. Conclusively, widows were found unhappy because of their miserable life circumstances and the recommendation was forwarded that relevant organizations should take particular effort in saving and contributing to the empowerment of this marginalized group currently victimized. Keywords: Social life, widows, divorced women, Pemba, shehia

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