Pasteurella multocida ecthyma complicated by necrotizing fasciitis


Necrotizing fasciitis is a serious infection of theskin and soft tissues. Pasteurella multocida israrely reported to cause necrotizing fasciitis and isassociated with high mortality. We describe a femalepatient with a past medical history of diabetesmellitus and myeloproliferative disorder presentingwith bullae and erythema of the right forearmsecondary to P. multocida infection after possiblecat bite. Despite adequate antibiotic coverage shedeveloped necrotizing fasciitis diagnosed clinicallyand on diagnostic imaging. Patient was taken to theoperating room emergently and underwent irrigationand debridement with subsequent split-skin graft. Sherecovered well after the surgeries and was dischargeon intravenous antibiotics. At clinic follow-up, herwounds were healing well without any significantnew symptoms

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