E-learning approaches in biometry and epidemiology


Education is an integral component of increasing our profession’s profile. While master and PhD level education in biostatistics and epidemiology is provided at high levels in several regions, there are parts of the world deserving proper specialized education. E-learning may be one option because traveling costs can be avoided, and the capacity of teachers can be multiplied by making appropriate use of e-learning tools. The aim of this work was to explore the availability of e-learning approaches in the areas of statistics, biometry, biostatistics, epidemiology, and genetic epidemiology by a systematic literature search and a search in databases. We identified a total of 25 courses. They differ with respect to target audience, content, amount and quality. Many of them had been developed at a time when technical aspects were the main hurdle at the stage of course development. Important hygiene and motivation factors were generally unknown at that time, and, subsequently, ignored. As a result, none of the courses provides exercises that generate individual feedback to motivate the student, and no varying degree of complexity is observed. Many courses do not fulfill modern needs for e-learning. In conclusion, the development of modern e-learning following recent didactical concepts is urgently required. Sustainability of these courses is crucial and can be best guaranteed by using available technological platforms. These allow the use of common didactical principles, robust and reliable technology

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