The Hennessy-Hicks Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Questionnaire was developed as a means of rigorously evaluating health care professionals’ training requirements and using these results to prioritize education and development in a way that meets local needs.
The questionnaire measures a range of clinical, managerial, interpersonal, administrative, and research/audit activities and can be used with individuals, teams or whole organizations. It provides information about current performance levels, the skill areas most in need of development and the ways in which this might best be achieved.
The information can be used in priority-setting and policy development, educational commissioning, individual performance reviews, as well as to assess the value and impact of professional development programs. It has been designed to be flexible, allowing it to be adapted for use within any setting and for any purpose.
The accompanying manual provides full details of the questionnaire, how to use it, how to analyze the information, and how to customize it for use