Positive solutions for elliptic problems with critical indefinite nonlinearity in bounded domains


In this paper, we study the semilinear elliptic problem with critical nonlinearity and an indefinite weight function, namely βˆ’Deltau=lambdau+h(x)u(n+2)/(nβˆ’2) - Delta u =lambda u + h (x) u^{(n+2)/(n-2)} in a smooth open bounded domain OmegasubseteqmathbbRnOmegasubseteq mathbb{R}^n, n>4n > 4 with Dirichlet boundary conditions and for lambdageq0lambda geq 0 . Under suitable assumptions on the weight function, we obtain the positive solution branch, bifurcating from the first eigenvalue lambda1(Omega)lambda_1(Omega). For n=2n=2, we get similar results for βˆ’Deltau=lambdau+h(x)phi(u)eu-Delta u =lambda u + h (x)phi(u)e^u where phiphi is bounded and superlinear near zero

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