Femtosecond Symmetry Breaking and Coherent Relaxation of Methane Cations at the Carbon K-Edge


Understanding the relaxation pathways of photoexcited molecules is essential to gain atomistic level insight into photochemistry. Herein, we perform a time-resolved study of ultrafast molecular symmetry breaking via geometric relaxation (Jahn-Teller distortion) on the methane cation. Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy with soft X-rays at the carbon K-edge reveals that the distortion occurs within 10±210\pm 2 femtoseconds after few-femtosecond strong-field ionization of methane. The distortion activates coherent oscillations in the scissoring vibrational mode of the symmetry broken cation, which are detected in the X-ray signal. These oscillations are damped within 58±1358\pm13 femtoseconds, as vibrational coherence is lost with the energy redistributing into lower-frequency vibrational modes. This study completely reconstructs the molecular relaxation dynamics of this prototypical example and opens new avenues for exploring complex systems

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