Psychological issues of self-organization of police officers with different levels of professional self-fulfillment


Пономаренко, Я. С. Психологічна проблематика самоорганізації офіцерів поліції з різним рівнем професійної здійсненності / Пономаренко Я. С. // Габітус. - 2022. - Вип. 41. - С. 267-271. - DOI: 2022.41.47.Зазначено, що самоорганізація поліцейських – це здатність особистості ієрархізувати завдання за ступенем значущості на підставі вимог організації та особистих можливостей, що позитивно позначається не лише на продуктивності поліціантів, а й на їх психологічному добробуті. Виявлено психологічні особливості феномену самоорганізації у практиці поліціювання з урахуванням рівня професійної здійсненності поліціантів.The article presents theoretical explorations of the problem of self-organization of police officers in the field of legal psychology. The phenomenon of self-organization in the practice of policing is highlighted in the context of organizational features, which actualizes the need to study its psychological aspects. Self-organization of police officers is an individual’s ability to prioritize tasks according to the degree of importance based on organizational requirements and personal capabilities, which positively affects not only the productivity of police officers, but also their psychological well-being. The purpose of the study is to reveal the psychological self-fulfillment of the phenomenon of self-organization in the practice of policing, taking into account the level of professional self-fulfillment of police officers. 62 police officers acted as research subjects. With the use of the «Questionnaire of professional self-fulfillment» by O. Kokun and using the method of clustering according to the principle of k – means, we formed three groups of subjects: low, medium and high levels of PS.. The first group (with a low level) consisted of 28 subjects, the second group (with a high level) included 33 subjects. 24 respondents with an average level were excluded from further research. The study used the «Time Structure Questionnaire» (TSQ) by N. Feather and М. Bond. Student’s t-test for independent samples was used for mathematical and statistical data processing. In the course of an empirical study, it was found that police officers with a low level of PS are persistent in the performance of professional duties, but they have to make more efforts to achieve the set goal. In the first group, there is an excessive fixation on the consistent execution of a predetermined plan, which increases the risk of emotional distress and stress. Police officers with a high level of PZ are characterized by the ability to effectively organize and plan their activities, they clearly allocate their own time, perform tasks according to the degree of importance and are better prepared for unexpected events in their professional activities.Отмечено, что самоорганизация полицейских – это способность личности иерархизировать задачи по степени значимости на основании требований организации и личных возможностей, что положительно сказывается не только на производительности полицейских, но и на их психологическом благополучии. Выявлены психологические особенности феномена самоорганизации в практике полицейского с учетом уровня профессиональной осуществимости полицейских

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