Maligniteyi taklit eden pulmoner arteriyovenöz malformasyon: Olgu sunumu


Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are congenital lesions and are often arise in the lower lobes due to abnormal capillary development. Forty-two years old male patient presented with hemoptysis and he was referred to our clinic with the suspicion of malignancy. Postero-anterior chest roentgenogram revealed homogenous opacity on the right perihilar zone. Computed tomography revealed a mass which was located at the right upper lobe. For the dia gnosis and staging 18F-FDG PET- CT was obtained. The mass was 6.5x5x4.5 cm and showed increased FDG uptake, 2,97. The lesion was considered as a large PAVM because of the linear density showing luminal contrast enhancement which was located between the lesion and right upper pulmonary vein. Dynamic contrast enhaced tomography revealed a solid mass with a suspicion of PAVM with thrombotic occlusion. Pulmonary angiography was free of AVM and fistulae. The patient underwent right upper lobectomy. Pathologic studies were consistent with pulmonary AVM. This case is presented because of upper lobe involvement, normal pulmonary angiography and the need of surgical operation as the only diagnostic tool

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