Secondary task engagement, risk-taking, and safety-related equipment use in Gerrnan bicycle and e-scooter riders - an observation


lt has been shown that engagement in secondary tasks may contribute to cyclists crash risk [1 ], meditated by cycling errors or risky behaviors. For influences on secondary task: engagement, it is generally found that phone use is negatively correlated with age. In most studies, males are more found engaged in phone tasks than females. lt was also found that users of a bicycle-sharing program more often to wear headphones and engage in more unsafe behavior. The use of safety gear (e.g., wearing a helmet, using reflectors) is often negatively correlated with distracted cycling. Also, cyclists engaged in a secondary task exhibit other risky behaviors more often [2]. The present study's first aim was to get (an updated) estimate of the observable frequency of different secondary tasks, use of additional safety equipment, and rule violations while riding bicycles and e-scooters in Germany. The second aim was to examine possible differences in secondary task: engagement, use of additional safety equipment, and rule violations between different types of users of the cycling infrastructure, i.e., riders of conventional bikes, e-bikes, scooters, and e-scooters. A third aim was to explore whether riders' secondary task engagement is related to active safety precautions (e.g., wearing a helmet), traffic rule violations, and at-fault conflicts and if there are rider profiles regarding safety-related behaviors. As the study is explorative, no hypotheses were formulated. [From: Introduction

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