
School IPM Outreach and Research Activities, NYS IPM Program, 2017


NYS IPM Type: Project ReportNYS schools need assistance in reducing risks to children and others from both pests and the overuse of pesticides. In 2017, NYS IPM Program activities have resulted in school personnel becoming better informed and able to implement IPM in their school districts. Managing geese on school grounds was the focus of a demonstration project and associated outreach. A school IPM assessment tool was developed and began to be piloted. A phone survey of BOCES health & safety officers is providing input into school IPM outreach and implementation. The NYS IPM Program made several blogs and tweets throughout the year with IPM stories of relevance to the state’s schools and childcare facilities. NYS IPM Program staff made visits to several schools trouble shooting specific pest-related situations, collaborated with Cornell faculty on research of relevance to school IPM, and were involved in statewide, regional, and national collaborations involving school IPM outreach

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