Social Media Based Deep Auto-Encoder Model for Clinical Recommendation


One of the most actively studied topics in modern medicine is the use of deep learning and patient clinical data to make medication and ADR recommendations. However, the clinical community still has some work to do in order to build a model that hybridises the recommendation system. As a social media learning based deep auto-encoder model for clinical recommendation, this research proposes a hybrid model that combines deep self-decoder with Top n similar co-patient information to produce a joint optimisation function (SAeCR). Implicit clinical information can be extracted using the network representation learning technique. Three experiments were conducted on two real-world social network data sets to assess the efficacy of the SAeCR model. As demonstrated by the experiments, the suggested model outperforms the other classification method on a larger and sparser data set. In addition, social network data can help doctors determine the nature of a patient's relationship with a co-patient. The SAeCR model is more effective since it incorporates insights from network representation learning and social theory

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