Sumatra kaynaklı tsunamilerin uzak alan ilerlemesi ve Maldiv adalarına etkisi.


In recent years the negative effects of tsunamis in the Indian Ocean dramatically increased. Although, this subject became very popular lately, the far-field activities of tsunamis are needed to be evaluated in Indian Ocean. In this thesis, Maldives and Sumatra islands were emphasized to analyze the effects of the transoceanic propagation of tsunamis in Indian Ocean. At first, using GIS Based softwares, the geographical data of the region were extracted and organized for analyzing. Secondly, a worst earthquake scenario was initiated at Sumatra which is located at a long distance from Maldives Islands. Then, corresponding effects of transoceanic tsunami were analyzed and accordingly coastal amplifications near Maldivian Islands were computed by NAMI DANCE. As a final step, an evaluation study was carried out to understand the transoceanic propagation behavior of tsunamis in Indian Ocean and results were discussed.M.S. - Master of Scienc

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