Correlation between female literacy and sex ratio in Rajasthan: a geographical analysis.


ABSTRACT Education changes the awareness of the society, so literacy responsible for the changing pattern of sex composition of any region. The study triumphs that Literacy has vital effects on the sex ratio. Therefore, the present paper is aimed to analyze the Correlation between female Literacy and Sex Ratio in Rajasthan using data collected by the 2011 census. Spearman’s Rank Difference method is used to analyze the correlation between literacy and sex ratio. The study reveals that the correlation between female literacy and sex ratio is r= -295. It is a moderate negative correlation. The female literacy and sex ratio have moved the opposite direction in Rajasthan. The sex ratio has been found higher in districts, which have low female literacy. Kota district has registered the highest female literacy of (65.9%) but it has a very low sex ratio of 911. Key Words: Sex-ratio, female Literacy, Correlation

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