Badania struktury tekstu - nowe źródło inspiracji stylistyki


The possibility of asking questions in stylistics is always determined by the current situation in linguistics as it identifies linguistic units and categories to be chosen for some personal, social or communicative reasons. The development of a new linguistic discipline - ,,text theory" (,,text linguistics" or „discourse analysis") - enables a real progress in stylistic investigation: it offers a large number of specific textual categories and relations to be discussed in their connection with all factors relevant to stylistics. This progress is also due to the fact that the very object of the text linguistics is the most obvious unity of human communication: the discourse, and the text analysis enables us to give an order and a hierarchy to linguistic elements and categories chosen by the speaker, even those apparently unconnected. hl the paper four main topics of the text linguistics are discussed: the delimitation of a discoyrse as a communicative entity; the transformation of a sentence Qinguistic unit) in an utteran� (part of a discourse ); the coherence and the cohesion of a text; the typology od text structures and speech genres. The author points at some stylistic implications of different linguistic means belonging to those four topics of discourse analysis and postulates farther investigations in this domain

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