
Introduction. Survey for food consumption patterns prepares the quantitative and qualitative scales for assessing nutriotonal state among population. Healthy nutrition is one of the preventive factors for non communicable diseases as cardiovascular disease (CVD). Regarding the increasing trends in CVD mortality/morbidity and relatively high incidences of CVD risk factors in Isfahan, it is essential to determine food consumption patterns in this population.
 Methods. One of the most reliable procedure for social food patterns is 24 hr recall, performed mainly by pictural questionnaire. Food Consumption Program-Heart Concern Software (IFCP) was developed for this task through 24 hr recall. By this computerized program, user can work with pictures of food album for determining what kind and how much foods the patients consumed. The sensitivity of this software is very high for determining nutrient intakes corresponding to Iranian cooking and feeding culture. In this cross sectional study, 1193 people (aged 20-70 years old) were selected systematically from 40 clusters in Isfahan city through 4 seasons. For each person, two computerized questionnaires were completed for personal characteristics and daily food consumption by an instructive operator. Interview for 24 hr food consumption was design for 3 days determined randomly through a week. Therefore, distribution were maintained for food data. The obtained yearly data was analysed by the same program achieved the level of energy, carbohydrate, portein, total fat, cholesterol and fatty acids intaken form daily feeding.
 Results. Mean energy intake was 2380.9±1082.2 Kcal/day for total population. Thre was a significant difference between men and women in all age groups (P < 0.0001). The energy obtained from fat was 29.28 percent in people aged 20-70 years old in Isfahan city. Cholesterol intake for each person was 253.5 ± 179.1 mg/day and the energy obtained from each fatty acid groups as SFA, MUFA and PUFA are 13.11, 9.40 and 5.22 percent of total energy. Also, carbohydrate intake for each person is 344.2 ± 179.4 gr/day in Isfahan population (obtained energy is equal 58.8 percent of total energy). Protein intake was 79.3 ± 30.5 gr/day.
 Discussion. Regarding the obtained results, it is essential to promote people especially in age groups of 20-29 and 50-59 years old to improve their nutriton pattern considering lower intakes of calory, fatty acid groups and increasing nutriton fiber

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