Work verification of the energy steam boiler evaporator in the Power plant 'Kostolac B'


U okviru Elektroprivrede Srbije 1991. godine puštena je u rad Termoelektrana 'Kostolac B' snage 2 × 350 MW. Na osnovu dosadašnjih ispitivanja cevnog sistema parnog kotla utvrđeno je da se on nalazi u 'lošem' stanju. Njegovi najugroženiji delovi su isparivačke grejne površine. S obzirom da postoje oblasti u isparivaču koje su se češće oštećivale, zbog čega je parni kotao ispadao iz pogona, neophodno je utvrditi razloge zbog kojih je dolazilo do tih oštećenja. Da bi se locirala ugrožena područja isparivača, sproveden je detaljan hidraulički proračun. Takođe je izvršen termički proračun parnog kotla u celini, s obzirom da se isparivač nalazi i u zoni konvektivnih grejnih površina. Utvrđivanjem najugroženije lokacije isparivača - horizontalni deo nosećih cevi, omogućeno je da se pri kapitalnom remontu izvrše određene rekonstrukcije u smislu promene njihovog ugla nagiba, što bi u krajnjem obezbedilo sigurniji rad, kako isparivača tako i kotla u celini.Within Electric Power Utility of Serbia 1991, a thermal power plant 'Kostolac B', power 2 × 350 MW, started. Based on the examination of steam boiler pipe system, it is confirmed that it is in a 'bad' shape. Its most jeopardized parts are evaporating heating surfaces. Considering that there are areas within the evaporator that suffered more damage, wherefore the steam boiler is out of production, it is necessary to settle the reasons for those damages. In order to locate the jeopardized areas of the evaporator, we carried out a detailed hydraulic calculation. A thermal calculation of steam boiler was also carried out, considering that the evaporator is also located in the convective heating surfaces part. By settling the most jeopardized evaporator locations - a horizontal part of support tubes, it was enabled to make certain reconstructions during the capital repair, in regard of changing their inclination angle, which would provide safer work of the evaporator, and steam boiler as a whole

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