Adsorption properties and porous structure of sulfuric acid treated bentonites determined - SHORT COMMUNICATION


In a previous paper adsorption isotherms of benzene vapor on natural bentonite from Ginovci, Macedonia, and forms acid activated with 10 % and 15 % solutions of hydrochloric were interpreted by means of the DubininRadushkevichStoeckli and DubininAstakhov equations; the investigation has been continued with bentonites acid activated with 10 % and 15 % solutions of sulfuric acid where X-ray analysis indicates smaller structural changes. Using the above equations, the heterogeneity of the micropores and the energetic heterogeneity of the bentonites were determined from the differential distribution of the micropore volume with respect to the structural parameter of the equations characterizing the microporous structure and to the molar free energy of adsorption. Activated bentonites obtain bigger pores but also a certain quantity of new small pores appear during acid activation with the higher concentration of acid. The micropore volumes, determined from the adsorption of benzene vapor, of bentonites activated with 10 % and 15 % solution of hydrochloric acid (144.60 cm3 kg-1 and 110.06 cm3 kg-1, respectively), decrease in comparison with that of natural bentonite (162.55 cm3 kgv).1 In contrast, the values of the micropore volume for bentonities treated with 10 % and 15 % solutions of sulfuric acids increase (169.19 cm3 kg-1 and 227.74 cm3 kg-1). That is due to the difference in the structural changes occurring during activation with hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. The values of the free energy of adsorption of benzene vapor for natural bentonite are higher than those of the acid acitivated bentonities, what is in accordance with the structural and porosity changes

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