Analysis of Turnability for a Three Terminal Microwave Network


Three-terminal microwave networks can be shown to exhibit qualities that would make them desirable to be used as multiple terminal devices. Using microwave theory, where instantaneous voltage is a function of position on the line, this situation will be examined. These devices use the interference principle of propagating waves as the basis of their characteristics. This investigation will probe a three- terminal microwave network with one input and two output. This configuration acts similar to a splitter where the outputs may be controlled. These three terminals, plus manipulation of the lengths of each side, actually makes this a four terminal device, much like a transistor with one source, one gate, and two drains. The three terminal network will be examined in a situation such that the lengths of two of the sides will be varied and the wavelength will be held constant. The power of the signal at each of the output terminals, along with reflected power will be recorded. By using a case where the total length of the ring is an integer number of wavelengths, two cases of behavior arise. One case exhibits qualities much like the Aharanov-Bohm effect. The other case has tendencies to reflect most of the incoming signal, except near equal length sides

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