Výsledky malakologického inventarizačního průzkumu PR Lazurový vrch (Slavkovský les, západní Čechy)


Altogether 37 species of terrestrial gastropods were found during the survey of the Lazurový Vrch National Reserve in the Slavkovský Les Mts. in 2008. Two species published in 1950 from this site were not verified: Pupilla muscorum and Causa holosericea. The reserve under study is covered by spruce and broadleaf forests; so almost 65% of recorded species belong among strictly or predominantly forest species. Only five species are included in the Red List of the Czech molluscs. Two species are very interesting from ecological and faunal point of view. Vulnerable species Vertigo alpestris is remarkable because of its isolated occurrence in this region. Endangered species Clausilia bidentata occurs in northern and western Bohemia only. The Slavkovský Les Mts. (together with the northernmost part of the Český Les Mts.) represents very compact area of distribution of the species in the Czech Republic. The find from the Lazurový Vrch Reserve represents the new locality for C. bidentata. Interesting observation from the reserve was the occurrence of C. bidentata on relatively rare Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus excelsior trees only. No specimens were found on much commoner Acer platanoides and Tilia cordata trees

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