Precision Global Determination of the BXsγB→X_sγ Decay Rate


We perform the first global fit to inclusive BXsγB→X_sγ measurements using a model-independent treatment of the nonperturbative bb-quark distribution function, with next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic resummation and O(αs2)O(α_s^2) fixed-order contributions. The normalization of the BXsγB→X_sγ decay rate, given by C7inclVtbVts2|C_7^{incl}V_{tb}V_{ts}^*|^2, is sensitive to physics beyond the standard model (SM). We determine C7inclVtbVts|C_7^{incl}V_{tb}V_{ts}^*| = (14.77±0.51fit±0.59theory±0.08param)×103(14.77±0.51_{fit}±0.59_{theory}±0.08_{param})×10^{-3}, in good agreement with the SM prediction, and the bb-quark mass mb1Sm_b^{1S} = (4.750±0.027fit±0.033theory±0.003param)(4.750±0.027_{fit}±0.033_{theory}±0.003_{param}) GeV. Our results suggest that the uncertainties in the extracted BXsγB→X_sγ rate have been underestimated by up to a factor of 2, leaving more room for beyond-SM contributions

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