A psicose de Lacan a Freud


The work contemplates a particular interest for the initial Freudian formulation, were psychosis so theorized as parting from assumptions concerning neurosis. The many specific features of a psychotic subject seem to haven¿t been contemplated in these formulations. The applicable dilemmas of the concept of repression for the establishment of a differing clinic among neurosis and psychosis were emphasized. The elaborations presented in Books 2 and 3 of The Seminar of Lacan were used as a resource for a possible formalization of those dilemmas on initial Freud formulations over the psychosis psychological mechanism. The thesis of the significant autonomy over the meaning in the production of meaning going to crucial in order to explain the difficulties that prevented the success in the founding moment of Freud's work in the metapsychological elucidation of the psychosis specific mechanism

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