An Efficient Dynamic Multi-Sources To Single-Destination (DMS-SD) Algorithm In Smart City Navigation Using Adjacent Matrix


Dijkstra's algorithm is one of the most popular classic path planning algorithms, achieving optimal solutions across a wide range of challenging tasks. However, it only calculates the shortest distance from one vertex to another, which is hard to directly apply to the Dynamic Multi-Sources to Single-Destination (DMS-SD) problem. This paper proposes a modified Dijkstra algorithm to address the DMS-SD problem, where the destination can be dynamically changed. Our method deploys the concept of Adjacent Matrix from Floyd's algorithm and achieves the goal with mathematical calculations. We formally show that all-pairs shortest distance information in Floyd's algorithm is not required in our algorithm. Extensive experiments verify the scalability and optimality of the proposed method.Comment: International Conference On Human-Centered Cognitive Systems (HCCS) 202

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