
Analisis Fundamental Menggunakan Price Earning Ratio (Per) Untuk Menilai Kewajaran Harga Saham Sebagai Dasar Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi (Studi Pada Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi Yang Listing Di Bei Periode 2012-2015)


This research suggests an analysis of the reasonableness of the price of the stock using fundamental anlysis with approach of Price Earning Ratio (PER) as the basis for making investment decisions an investor. Fundamental's factors that affect stock prices quoted will affect investment decisions an investor. Increasingly of sectoral stock's price index is the reason of this research using population in the form of shares of the Consumer Goods Industry Sector listing on the Indonesian's Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2015. This research analyzed the two companies in the sample, namely PT Merck Indonesia Tbk and PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk, which is obtained by applying a purposive sampling techniques. One of techniques criteria are reporting fundamental factors such as the company's ROE, EPS, DPS, DPR, PER, Close Price. Stock price reasonableness analysis is done by comparing the intrinsic value of a stock with a market value (close price). Intrinsic value is the real value of a company's stock. The results of this research indicate that both shares of PT Merck Indonesia Tbk and PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk has Correctly valued condition, which means shares in fair condition due to an intrinsic value equal to its market value. The right investment decisions are holding a stock, noting that investigators should consider factors such as the company's internal and external considerations investment decision

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    Last time updated on 21/11/2017