Factores que pueden influir en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de Bioquímica que ingresan en el programa de Medicina de la Universidad del Rosario-Colombia Factors that influence the academic performance in Biochemistry students who have started the Medicine program of Rosario University-Colombia


Introducción. El análisis del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes que ingresan a una institución de educación superior, así como los factores que pueden estar influyendo en él, genera respuestas a los interrogantes que corrientemente se hacen las personas involucradas en los procesos educativos y permite proponer soluciones para mejorar el desempeño de los estudiantes universitarios. Sujetos y métodos. Se determinó la asociación entre el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes en el primer nivel de Bioquímica, con los factores de tipo académico y demográfico; se utilizaron dos métodos de análisis: el primero, numérico, de acuerdo con los promedios de las notas parciales y finales; el segundo, categorizado como éxito (&ge; 3,0) o fracaso (Introduction. The analysis of the students' academic achievement in a higher education institution together with the different factors that affect the student's performance generates answers to the questions that the people involved in the teaching process commonly ask themselves. This analysis is therefore, an excellent way to find and propose solutions in order to improve the student's performance. Subjects and methods. The association between the students' academic performance and the academic and demographic factors was determined in the first level of Biochemistry. Two methodologies were used for this purpose. The first one, a numerical analysis based on the partial and final grades, and a second categorical method based on the final success (&ge; 3.0) or failure (< 3.0) on the subject. Results. A positive and statistically significant correlation was found when the academic performance in Biochemistry, the general and specific results of the state test (natural sciences and mathematics), the institutional scholarship status and entering the Medicine program without pre-university courses was analyzed. Factors, such as coming from different schools and the city of origin, do not affect significantly the performance in any of the analyses. Conclusions. Academic performance in Biochemistry is directly affected by factors involving the individual student's skills while the demographical factors are not involved

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