Correction of immune disorders in patients with malignant tumors at level of craniovertebral junction and upper cervical spine


Objective: To study the cellular and humoral immunity in patients with malignant tumors of the upper cervical spine. Material and methods: The study included 22 patients with malignant tumors of the craniovertebral junction and upper cervical spine. To assess the function of the immune system the methods of population and subpopulation immuno-phenotyping of peripheral blood lymphocytes have been applied. Cytokine parameters and functional status (cytotoxic) activity of NK-cells have been studied using immunofermental methods. The indices have been presented in absolute and relative terms. All the patients have been subjected to the adjuvant therapy. Results: Correction of cellular immunity has led to significant increase in CD3 + (T-lymphocytes) and CD3 + CD8 + (T-killers). Cytokine levels in the groups studied in the dynamics have not been significantly altered. The changes of cytotoxic (functional) activity of NK-cells in the first group after the combined treatment have been considered to be higher than before the treatment. Cytotoxic index of (functional) activity of NK-cells in the second group under the study after the combined treatment has been determined to be lower than before the treatment. Conclusion: It has been found out that the application of complex treatment accompanied by immunotropic therapy may positively influence the immune status

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