RIO GRANDE DO SUL: UMA PROPOSTA DE REGIONALIZAÇÃO GEOECONÔMICA / Rio Grande do Sul: a proposal of geoeconomic regionalization


The regional approach reflects the society-nature inter-relation in different nuances goingfrom the onstruction of the geographical space. The focus of the research was defined from theobjectives proposed for the regional analysis, once the same embodies the human aspects andthe relations that mantain between each other in the production and reproduction of the space.Having as central focus the southern regional matter (in Rio Grande do Sul), it was proposedthe regionalization of the state, considering its geoeconomical aspects. Such proposition of study divided seven geoeconomic regions and sub-regions, in which the main productiveactivities of the state were developed, based, mainly, in farming. Considering the transformationsimposed here by capital, as reorganizer agent of the spacial standards, and responsiblefor its flexibility, front to the requirements imposed by the globalization process, it was tried toclassify the geoeconomic regions according to its dynamics and according the new economicagents that are inserted in this space. It was possible to observe that, therefore, the similaritiesand singularities materialized in the state territory throught the accumulation of practicesturned to the economical production, strictly linked to the question of cultural identity becauseof the expression of regionalism in the Rio Grande do Sul state

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