Heterotopia nodular difusa y focal como malformación del sistema nervioso central Focal and diffuse nodular heterotopy as a malformation of the central nervous system


Se presenta el caso clínico de una adolescente de 16 años de edad, con 37,8 semanas de embarazo, quien ingresó en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, por presentar manifestaciones neurológicas. Mediante la resonancia magnética efectuada se observó una imagen de posible aspecto tumoral en la zona temporoparietooccipital derecha, lo cual obligó a realizarle cesárea de urgencia. Luego se efectuó resonancia magnética contrastada, cuyos resultados confirmaron que se trataba de una heterotopia nodular difusa subependimaria y focal, asociada a hipoplasia de los hemisferios cerebral y cerebeloso derechos y del cuerpo calloso.The case report of a 16 year-old adolescent, with 37.8 weeks of pregnancy who was admitted to "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital from Santiago de Cuba is presented, due to neurological manifestations. By means of magnetic resonance an image of possible tumoral aspect was observed in the right temporoparietooccipital area, which forced to carry out an emergent caesarean section. Then a contrasted magnetic resonance was made, which results confirmed that it was a focal and diffuse nodular subependymal heterotopy, associated with an hypoplasia of the right cerebral and cerebelous hemispheres and from the callous body

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