Analisis Penerapan Pelayanan Kesehatan Lanjut Usia di Puskesmas Pineleng pada Masa Pandemi Covid –19


Lanjut usia menurut Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia adalah seseorang yang telah mencapai usia >60 tahun. Aspek penting dalam peningkatan kualitas hidup lansia salah satunya adalah kesehatan. Di masa pandemi saat ini, lanjut usia berisiko terhadap keparahan/kejadian dan kematian penyakit Covid-19, serta penyakit kronis yang rata-rata diderita oleh penduduk lanjut usia. Upaya pelayanan kesehatan terhadap lansia dimasa pandemi Covid-19 pada pelayanan kesehatan harus dilakukan dengan manajemen yang baik. Peneilitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan pelayan kesehatan lansia di Puskesmas Pineleng pada masa pandemic Covid-19. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam kepada informan 6 orang yakni pada petugas puskesmas dan pasien lansia. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan wawancara diperoleh Pelaksanaan triase pasien di Puskesmas Pineleng sudah berjalan sesuai dengan SOP yang ada, Puskesmas Pineleng tidak memiliki poli khusus lansia tetapi dalam alur pelayanan pasien memiliki jalur khusus, Ruang tunggu, ruang pemeriksaan, laboratorium dan apotek berada di satu lantai yang sama dan terletak di lantai dasar dan jadwal pelayanan dicetak pada baliho ukuran 50cm x 100cm dan diletakkan di depan pintu masuk puskesmas, Pemberian obat rutin untuk pasien lansia yang memiliki penyakit kronis diberikan untuk 1 bulan saja, Tersedianya layanan homecare dari Puskesmas Pineleng untuk lansia yang beresiko tinggi, kerjasama lintas sektor terkait, organisasi masyarakat mulai dari tingkat desa dan kecamatan berjalan dengan baik. Kata kunci: lanjut usia, pelayanan kesehatan, pandemi Covid-19 ABSTRACTAccording to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, an elderly person is someone who has reached the age of >60 years. One of the important aspects of improving the quality of life of the elderly is health. During the current pandemic, the elderly are at risk for the severity/incidence and death of Covid-19 disease, as well as chronic diseases that are generally suffered by the elderly population.. Health care efforts for the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic in health services must be carried out with good management. This study aims to analyze the application of elderly health services at the Pineleng Health Center during the Covid019 pandemic. The study used a qualitative method with in-depth interviews with 6 informants, namely healthcare center officers and elderly patients. The results of the study based on interviews obtained that the implementation of patient triage at the Pineleng Health Center has been running according to the existing SOP, Pineleng Health Center does not have a special clinic for the elderly but in the patient service flow, it has a special line, waiting room, examination room, laboratory, and pharmacy are on the same floor and is located on the ground floor and the service schedule is printed on a billboard measuring 50cm x 100cm and placed in front of the entrance to the healthcare center, Routine medication for elderly patients who have chronic diseases is given for 1 month only, Availability of home care services from the Pineleng Health Center for seniors who are at high risk, cooperation across related sectors, community organizations starting from the village and sub-district levels is going well. Keyword: the elderly, health services, the Covid-19 pandemi

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