The relationships between waist circumference as an indicator of central obesity and lower urinary tract symptoms, erectile dysfunction and metabolic syndrome components


Objectives: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the relationshipbetween waist circumference, which is as anindicator of central obesity, and lower urinary tract symptoms,erectile dysfunction and metabolic syndrome components.Materials and methods: The data of 52 patients withmoderate-severe lower urinary tract symptoms, who hadno previous diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia andprostate specific antigen 102 cm). Age, weight, urine flow rates, prostate volume,and prostate specific antigen value and lipid profiles wereseparately determined for all patients. Data on chronicsystemic diseases and erectile function was also evaluatedand possible relations between them were investigated.Results: The mean age of patients was 60,6±7,8 years.It was determined that diabetes in 17 (%32,69), hypertensionin 22 (%42,30), coronary artery disease in 13(%25) and erectile dysfunction in 24 (%46.15) patients.Positive correlations were found between waist circumferenceand the parameters of age, International ProstateSymptom Score, body weight, prostate volume, triglycerideand LDL-cholesterol levels. Nevertheless, there wasa negative correlation between waist circumference andurine flow rates. While the data of all subgroups werecompared, it was seen that increased waist circumferencewas with worsened lower urinary tract symptomsand sexual function.Conclusions: Increased waist circumference had negativeimpacts on lower urinary tract symptoms and sexualfunctions, and it was with increasing frequency of diabetes,coronary heart disease, hypertension and metabolicsyndrome.Key words: Central obesity, lower urinary tract symptoms,sexual function, metabolic syndrom

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