Renewable Natural Resources (RNR)Research Programme in Bhutan : An Overview


The objective of this paper is to give an overview of how the Renewable Natural Resources (RNR) research is being implemented in Bhutan. The RNR sector comprises mainly of agriculture, livestock and forestry sectors. Agriculture research in Bhutan initially started in early 1960s through the introduction of new crop and fruit varieties from Indian Agriculture Research Institutes. Thereafter, livestock and forestry research started in livestock farms and forestry research institutes, respectively. The first Agriculture Research Institute in Bhutan was established in 1982 which underwent various changes culminating into the present Council for RNR Research of Bhutan (CoRRB) in 2003. The Council is chaired by the Minister of Agriculture and the Director of CoRRB functions as the member Secretary of the Council. Four research centres with national and regional mandates located at strategic locations of the country were established to cater to the research and development needs of the farmers living in different agro-ecological zones. These centres are mandated to carry out research in the field of agriculture, horticulture, livestock, forestry and other cross cutting sectors of soils, plant protection, water management, meteorology, socio-economic studies. Apart from the Regional centres of research, there are sub centres where ever the area to be covered by the centre is large. The different departments also conduct research in consultation with CoRRB to avoid duplication of efforts. The main objectives of the RNR Research are to generate relevant technologies for the farming communities for ensuring food security and enhancement of rural income. These technologies are packaged as extension materials,news letters and journals for dissemination to farmers and all concerned stakeholders.Article信州大学農学部紀要. 46(1-2): 139-153 (2010)departmental bulletin pape

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