Locating drivers of inertia in digital transformation : A case study of IT systems implementation driving holistic change in an incumbent organization


Past research provides little to no in-depth research regarding digital transformation; ittends to be portrayed as a very holistic and simplified process that organizations oftenimplement to stay competitive. One of the biggest barriers to digital transformation isconsidered to be inertia, we argue that concerning a digital transformation within anincumbent organization there could be more guidelines regarding how inertia emerges. Bybreaking down the components to see what is causing more of a barrier than necessary.Conducting a qualitative case study of an industrial organization located in Sweden. Withearlier research on digital transformation and inertia, we concluded that organizationsmust manage these concerns cohesively by continuously balancing their key roles,organizational structure, communication, and integration. We hope that our thesis canhelp create an understanding for incumbent organizations to realize and prevent inertiafrom emerging as part of future digital transformation

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