"VAD SOM HELST KAN BLI ENS ANSVAR" : Specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med somatisk ohälsa inom psykiatrisk slutenvård


Background: Earlier research shows nurses have experiences of the somatic care in psychiatric inpatient care being deficient. It also shows that patients wish for nurses in psychiatric care to have more skills in nursing the somatic. Aim: To describe specialist- nurses experiences of nursing patients with somatic illness in psychiatric inpatient care. Method: This study has qualitative design with an inductive approach. Semi-structured interviews were implemented with nine specialist-nurses in a psychiatric inpatient care-unit in central Sweden. Data was analyzed using qualitative content-analysis. Result: The result from the analysis of specialist-nurses experiences of nursing patients with somatic illness is presentetd in five categories and 12 sub-categories. The categories that emerged were to feel inadequate, to feel unsafe, to feel vulnerable, to feel misunderstood and to feel frustrated. Conclusion: There is a need for specialist-nurses to be strengthened in their nursing role when it comes to taking care of somatic illness in psychiatric inpatient care and here the Tidal model can be helpful. There is a desire to have clearer guidelines to relate to as well as increased education in somatic care.  Keywords: Qualitative content-analysis, psychiatriy, semi-structured interviews, somatic illness, the Tidal model.

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