Phase control and intra-pulse phase compensation of the Advanced Photon Source (APS) linear accelerator


Rf power for the APS linear accelerator is provided by five klystrons, each of which feeds one linac ``sector,`` containing accelerating structures and SLED cavities. A VXI-based subsystem measures the phase of each sector of the linac with respect to a thermally stabilized reference line. The resulting information is used to control a linearized varactor phase shifter. Error correction is done by software, using operator-controllable parameters. A second phase shifter provides an intra-pulse correction to the phase of the klystron drive pulse. When the intra-pulse correction is applied, the resulting phase is flat to within 0.5{degrees} after 2.5 {mu}sec. A second correction, made after the PSK trigger to the SLED and during the filling of the accelerating structures, resulted in an energy gain of 5 MeV from a single sector

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