ANL/CRIEPI collaborative program for evaluation of irradiated EBR-II stainless steels.


The objective of this collaboration between Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) is to evaluate the effects of long-term, low-dose neutron exposure on the mechanical properties, dimensional stability, and associated microstructural changes of reactor structural materials. ANL believes that material data obtained from components irradiated in EBR-II provide valuable information that is useful for LWR plant life extension. CRIEPI is currently conducting research on many aspects of materials aging of LWR components including irradiation damage. Therefore, ANL and CRIEPI have decided to perform the following joint work, which is of interest to both laboratories and continues the collaborative relationship between the two labs. The program was initiated in February of 1999. Samples were taken from two separate subassemblies, designated S1951 and S1952. These subassemblies were constructed of 20% cold-worked Type 316 stainless steel. The samples from these subassemblies were irradiated at temperatures from 371-390 C to doses up to 56 dpa. The examinations in this program included: immersion density, microhardness, microstructure, and tensile properties. The material history, test plan, results of measurements, and discussion of results are included in this report

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