
Peran Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak “Maharani” dalam Proses Pembinaan Korban Trafficking


The Purpose of this study is to determine the role of P2TP2A “Maharani” on provention program, hendling and recovery of trafficking victime. This research is using qualitative recearch methods. Data collection techniques that been used are observation, interviews, documention of data collection tools such as interview guides, observation sheets, and documention tools. The results of this study prove that : handling program that consists of coimplaints services, health services, provision of legal aid in the form of lawyers provision and costs were borned by P2TP2A and spritual guidance servise like pengajian for muslims and worship for non-M,uslims. Recovery program consists of psychology recovery, provision of shalter facilities, economic empowerment and education facilities with their victims healing process is monitored and seen its readiness to return to thr community

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    Last time updated on 07/01/2018