In Situ Template Generation for Zincophosphate Synthesis Leading to C2H7N4O-ZnPO4 Containing Template-to-Template N--H...O Hydrogen Bonds


The synthesis, structure and some properties of C{sub 2}H{sub 7}N{sub 4}O {center_dot} ZnPO{sub 4} (guanylurea zinc phosphate) are reported. The cationic template was prepared in situ by partial hydrolysis of the neutral 2-cyanoguanidine starting material. The resulting structure contains a new, unprotonated, zincophosphate layer topology as well as unusual N-H-O template-to-template hydrogen bonds which help to stabilize a ''double sandwich'' of templating cations between the inorganic sheets. Crystal data: C{sub 2}H{sub 7}N{sub 4}O {center_dot} ZnPO{sub 4}, M{sub r} = 229.44, monoclinic, P2{sub 1}/c, a = 13.6453 (9) {angstrom}, b = 5.0716 (3) {angstrom}, c = 10.6005 (7) {angstrom}, {beta} = 95.918 (2){sup 0}, V = 729.7 (1) {angstrom}{sup 3}, R(F) = 0.034, wR(F) = 0.034

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