Application of three dimensional finite element analysis to electron beam welding of a high pressure compressor drum rotor


Finite Element Analysis capability for application to welding has been developed and enhanced during a two year Cooperative Research and Development Agreement(CRADA) between Pratt & Whitney, United Technologies Research Center, and Sandia National Laboratories. Because of the nature of electron beam welding at Pratt & Whitney -- set-up is time consuming, the parts to be welded are complicated, and experimentation is costly -- finite element analysis has found many potential applications. The results of most interest in these analyses are the residual stress and final distortion of the component. The work has made use of the Sandia finite element codes JACQ3D, for thermal analysis, and JAS3D, for mechanical analysis. Both codes use an efficient, non-linear conjugate gradient solution technique, which enables large problems to be solved on engineering workstations. This presentation describes several technical challenges that were overcome in the application of the Sandia codes to this class of problems. Stress and distortion results predicted for an electron beam weld of a PW4000 gas turbine engine drum rotor will also be discussed

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