
Revitalisasi Fungsi Kelembagaan Koperasi Nelayan sebagai Badan Hukum untuk Mensejahterakan Nelayan Menuju Perikanan Berkelanjutan


Indonesia as a maritime country has the potential of fisheries and marine resources are abundant. Nevertheless many fishermen live in poverty due to little revenue. The Fishermen Cooperative exists to realize the goal the welfare of its members in accordance with the Cooperatives Law. The legal aims to assess whether the implementation of the functions of the Mina Bahari '45 Fishermen Cooperative as a legal entity in accordance with Cooperatives Law to provide the welfare of fishermen, as its members as well as to assess efforts to revitalize the right to Mina Bahari '45 Fishermen Cooperative in terms of the institutional aspects as an entity so as to improve the welfare of fishermen as members. This legal writing is a kind of non-doctrinal research (social legal research). The approach used is a qualitative approach with technique analysis techniques used by the author in this study is qualitative data analysis with interactive model. This legal writing is boiled down to 2 (two) conclusions, namely: Mina Bahari '45 Fishermen Cooperative has been realizing the goal of providing welfare for fishermen as members in accordance with Cooperatives Law and to improve the welfare of its members who work as fishermen then revitalization or reinforcement of Mina Bahari β€˜45 Fishermen Cooperative as a legal entity in the form of integration between Bantul district government and Mina Bahari '45 Fishermen Cooperative

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    Last time updated on 18/10/2017