
Pengaruh Kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak terhadap Kinerja USAhatani Padi di Sulawesi Tenggara


Rice is an agricultural commodity that has strategic value economic, environmental live, social and political aspect. Several governments, policies imply on production process immediately or not especially food crop. The research was done to know the impact of increasing price of fuel oil gas on farming system performance in Southeast Sulawesi Province. The data were collected in Konawe and Kolaka as centre of rice production in Southeast Sulawesi. The result showed that there was in impact on agriculture tools especially tractor rent service, water pump, power thresher and RMU. As the effect on increasing price of fuel oil gas, tractor rent price increased to Rp 600.000 (50 %). Operational cost was fully been responsible for farmer, so the profit was better. The use of water pumps still low. Payment system for service of water pump is sharing holder system, 15 % for pump service and 85 % for farmer. There was no change on sharing composition; the profit obtained by farmer was more increase in relevant with increasing of price of agriculture commodity. The thresher service has change from 6.7 % to 9, 1 % and also service of RMU, 1 kg of 11 kg of rice was given to service hulling. Therefore, the effect of increasing fuel oil gas was burdened to farmer directly or indirectly, so the farmer position was still weak

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    Last time updated on 30/01/2017